Prednáška: Pesticide residues analysis in Spain accredited laboratories

Ústav analytickej chémie FCHPT STU v Bratislave v spolupráci s Odbornou skupinou Analytickej chémie SCHS

si dovoľujú pozvať odbornú verejnosť na seminár s prednáškou


Prof. Javiera Arrebolu Liébanas, PhD.


profesora analytickej chémie na Katedre chémie a fyziky Univerzity v Almerii, Španielsko na tému:


Pesticide residues analysis in Spain accredited laboratories


Odborný seminár s prednáškou sa uskutoční 4. 2. 2019 o 14:00 v zasadačke Ústavu analytickej chémie FCHPT STU, Radlinského 9, Nová budova, C blok, 4. poschodie.

Annotation: Almería is located in the South East of Spain and because of its climatic conditions, it is one of the most relevant agricultural areas of the European Union for producing vegetables and some fruits under intensive agricultural practices. Food safety of consumers is basically controlled by governmental laboratories that randomly analyse a limited number of samples. However, the most part of the consumer’s security is based on hundreds of thousands samples analysed by private laboratories accredited under ISO17025:2005. Nowadays, Almería has one of the largest densities of accredited laboratories for determining pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables. After 25 years of experience, a technical and practical point of view will be presented about accredited laboratories.

Prof. Ing. Ján Labuda, DrSc.

riaditeľ Ústavu analytickej chémie FCHPT


Doc. Ing. Ľubomír Švorc, PhD.

Odborná skupina Analytickej chémie SCHS

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