Periodickú tabuľku a jej výročie oslávime jej Medzinárodným rokom

  • Post category:IUPAC




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Našim cieľom je umožniť takto záujemcom spomedzi chemikov na Slovensku aktívne sa zapojiť do celosvetových aktivít k 150. výročiu objavu periodického zákona a periodickej tabuľky a súčasne k 100. výročiu založenia IUPAC.


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The United Nations Proclaims the International Year of the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements , 28 December 2017


On 20 December 2017, during its 74th Plenary Meeting, the United Nations (UN) General Assembly 72nd Session has proclaimed 2019 as the International Year of the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements (IYPT 2019).


The development of the Periodic Table of the Elements is one of the most significant achievements in science and a uniting scientific concept, with broad implications in Astronomy, Chemistry, Physics, Biology and other natural sciences. Particular areas where the Periodic Table and its understanding have had a revolutionary impact are in nuclear medicine, the study of chemical elements and compounds in space and the prediction of novel materials.


The International Year of the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements in 2019 will coincide with the 150th anniversary of the discovery of the Periodic System by Dmitry Mendeleev in 1869, and also with the Centenary of IUPAC (IUPAC100). The events of IUPAC100 and of IYPT will enhance the understanding and appreciation of the Periodic Table and chemistry in general among the public.

Z tlačovej správy IUPAC pre vás vybral Milan Drábik, predseda SNK IUPAC.

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