Dr. Rita Ventura
ITQB NOVA – Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier,
Universidade Nova de Lisboa,
Av da República, 2780-157 Oeiras, Portugal
utorok 17. októbra 2023 14:00
prezenčná prednáška na Chemickom ústave SAV
online prenos cez platformu ZOOM
Meeting ID: 899 9519 0947
Passcode: 443368

Carbohydrates play important roles in health and disease and thus are recognised as potential drug targets in various fields of medicine and drug development. Understanding the role of carbohydrates in biological processes can lead to the development of innovative therapies for a wide range of medical conditions.
The chemical synthesis of carbohydrates still presents two major challenges: the regioselective differentiation of several hydroxyls with very similar reactivity and the stereoselective construction of the glycosydic bond. Our group has been working in different multidisciplinary projects involving carbohydrate synthesis, and several of these works will be presented.