Supr@Stras – EurJOC

Vážení členovia SCHS,

v rámci virtuálnych konferencií pravidelne organizovaných Chemistry Europe Vám dávame do pozornosti ďalší on-line seminár s názvom Supr@Stras – EurJOC, ktorý sa uskutoční 27.7. 2021 o 14:00. Oficiálnu pozvánku uvádzame nižšie.

The EurJOC editorial team together with the Supramolecular Group of the SCF are excited to announce the 1st edition of the virtual Supr@Stras – EurJOC.

Please join our speakers and 2020 SCF Supramolecular Prize Laureates for this exciting event.

When: Tuesday, July 27, 2021 at 14:00 CEST

  • Ruxandra Gref (Université Paris Saclay – CNRS): Cage Nanoparticles: From Synthesis to Biological Application 
  • Sébastien Goeb (Université d’Angers – CNRS): Supramolecular Transformations from Self-Assembled Cages 
  • Mir Wais Hosseini (Université de Strasbourg – CNRS): Molecular Turnstiles
  • Jean-Marie Lehn (Université de Strasbourg – CNRS): Perspectives in Chemistry: Towards Adaptative Chemistry

To registerfor this free event, please click here.

For your convenience, we will continue informing you of our exciting events several days in advance. If you would like an overview of all virtual events please visit the Chemistry Europe Hub or Chemistry Views.

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