SCF-ChemBio Inaugural Symposium

Vážení členovia SCHS,

v rámci virtuálnych konferencií pravidelne organizovaných pod Chemistry Europe vám dávame do pozornosti ďalší on-line seminár, ktorý sa uskutoční 27.4. 2021 o 15:00 pod záštitou Francúzskej chemickej spoločnosti. Oficiálnu pozvánku uvádzame nižšie.

We warmly invite you to join the SCF-ChemBio and the editorial team of ChemBioChem online for their virtual event SCF-ChemBio Inaugural Symposium – ChemBioChem.

When: Tuesday, 27 April 2021, 3-5 PM CET (UTC+1)

This exciting event will be moderated by SCF-ChemBio President Boris Vauzeilles and ICBS President-elect Zaneta Nikolovska-Coleska and will feature three 20-minute presentations with interactive question-and-answer sessions:

Barbara Imperiali (Massachusetts Institute of Technology): „The Ins and Outs of Initiating Glycoconjugate Biosynthesis at the Membrane Frontier“

Kai Johnsson (Max Planck Institute for Medical Research): „Fluorescent Probes for Live-Cell Imaging“

Raphaël Rodriguez (Institut Curie Paris): „Role of Metals in the Regulation of Cell Plasticity“

To register for this free event, please click on…. Feel free to forward this information to your society members and colleagues. For more upcoming virtual events from Chemistry Europe please visit the Chemistry Europe Hub or Chemistry Views.

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