Vážení členovia SCHS,
v rámci virtuálnych konferencií pravidelne organizovaných pod Chemistry Europe vám dávame do pozornosti ďalší on-line seminár, ktorý sa uskutoční 27.4. 2021 o 15:00 pod záštitou Francúzskej chemickej spoločnosti. Oficiálnu pozvánku uvádzame nižšie.
We warmly invite you to join the SCF-ChemBio and the editorial team of ChemBioChem online for their virtual event SCF-ChemBio Inaugural Symposium – ChemBioChem.
When: Tuesday, 27 April 2021, 3-5 PM CET (UTC+1)
This exciting event will be moderated by SCF-ChemBio President Boris Vauzeilles and ICBS President-elect Zaneta Nikolovska-Coleska and will feature three 20-minute presentations with interactive question-and-answer sessions:
• Barbara Imperiali (Massachusetts Institute of Technology): „The Ins and Outs of Initiating Glycoconjugate Biosynthesis at the Membrane Frontier“
• Kai Johnsson (Max Planck Institute for Medical Research): „Fluorescent Probes for Live-Cell Imaging“
• Raphaël Rodriguez (Institut Curie Paris): „Role of Metals in the Regulation of Cell Plasticity“
To register for this free event, please click on https://www.workcast.com/register?cpak=7054213175859028…. Feel free to forward this information to your society members and colleagues. For more upcoming virtual events from Chemistry Europe please visit the Chemistry Europe Hub or Chemistry Views.