Metal Complex Photocatalysis

Vážení členovia SCHS,

v rámci virtuálnych konferencií pravidelne organizovaných Chemistry Europe Vám dávame do pozornosti ďalší on-line seminár s názvom Metal Complex Photocatalysis, ktorý sa uskutoční 4.6. 2021 o 10:00. Oficiálnu pozvánku uvádzame nižšie.

The European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (EurJIC) editorial team and moderator Kenneth Lo (City University of Hong Kong) are pleased to announce the upcoming Virtual Symposium on Metal Complex Photocatalysis.

When: June 4, 2021 at 10:00 am CEST (UTC +2) 

This exciting event will feature three 25-minute presentations with interactive question-and-answer sessions:

  • Hajime Ito (Hokkaido University, Japan): Luminescent and Mechanical Properties of Gold(I) Complexes
  • Jianzhang Zhao (Dalian University of Technology, China): Preparation of Visible Light-Harvesting Transition Metal Complexes: Photophysical Property and Applications
  • Oliver Wenger (University of Basel, Switzerland): A Search for New Photophysics and Photochemistry with Metal Complexes

To register for this free event, please click here. For more upcoming virtual events from Chemistry Europe please visit the Chemistry Europe Hub or Chemistry Views.

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