Industrial Chemistry – Excellent Adventure

Ing. Ladislav Vdovjak1,2
1Slovak University of Technology Bratislava, FCHPT, Technology Crude Oil Processing and Petrochemistry, Bratislava, Slovakia
2Lummus technology, Princess Beatrixlaan, The Hague, Netherland

online prednáška cez MS Teams
16. júna 2021 14:00

Accepting job offer in industry may bring excellent adventure for every  graduated engineer.
The presentation is focused on approximation industrial environment and connection between theoretical knowledge base with real industrial life, may bring inspiration for some followers, and may bring opportunity for leaders in academical community  to find window in cooperation with industry and technology provider.

Since refinery represents unique cocktail of various chemical disciplines, the presentation covers my personal journey through one of the most complex unit in refinery – LC Finer, Ebullated bed, technology for converting bottom of barrel. Optimization of Vacuum Resid processing unit is always challenging. Improving Process knowledge and building operational experience are key elements in operation such demanding technology.

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