Cell surface glycosylation and its role in cancer and immunity.

Prof. Dr. Lubor Borsig
Cell surface glycosylation and its role in cancer and immunity.

vo štvrtok 21. novembra 2019, o 14:00 h.
prednášková miestnosť CH-13, nová budova FChPT STU Bratislava

Alteration of tumor cell-surface glycosylation is a common phenotypic change associated with malignant transformation and cancer progression – metastasis. Blood-borne metastasis is a multistep process encompassing: cell detachment, invasion, entering blood circulation and formation of metastasis. Cell-surface glycans enable tumor cell interactions within its microenvironment through engagement of a variety of endogenous lectins such as selectin and siglecs. The role of endothelium and leukocytes during metastasis will be discussed in a context of carcinoma (epithelial tissue) metastasis studied in a variety of animal models. The focus will be set on explanation of mechanisms how tumor cell glycan-mediated cell-cell interaction during metastasis and immune evasion. The better understanding of these interactions may help to improve diagnosis and aid to develop clinical strategies to prevent metastasis.

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