Vážení členovia Slovenskej chemickej spoločnosti
Chceli by sme Vám dať do pozornosti časopis Analysis & Sensing, ktorý vydáva Chemistry Europe.
Chemistry Europe, ktorá vznikla v roku 1995, je združením 16 chemických spoločností z 15 európskych krajín (medzi nimi je aj Slovenská chemická spoločnosť), ktoré zastupuje viac ako 75 000 chemikov. Chemistry Europe vydáva skupinu vysokokvalitných vedeckých časopisov o chémii pokrývajúcich veľmi širokú škálu odborov.
Viac informácií nájdete nižšie:
Analysis & Sensing is a brand-new top-quality international forum for all aspects of analytical and bioanalytical chemistry and sensors. It is highly selective, with a target impact factor above 7. It is a sister journal of Chemistry—A European Journal, and is published on behalf of a subgroup of Chemistry Europe, an organization of 16 European chemical societies.
Its scope includes biosensors, electrochemical analysis, fluorescent and spectroscopic probes, imaging, mass spectrometry, metabolomics, microfluidics, point-of-care assays, proteomics, spectroscopy, and theranostics.
Analysis & Sensing is supported by an Editorial Advisory Board of internationally recognized scientists led by Ron Heeren (University of Maastricht), Janina Kneipp (Humboldt Universität zu Berlin) and Jianghong Rao (Stanford University). The Editor in Chief is Dr. Jonathan Faiz. You can find out more about our vision for the journal in our Editorial.
With the backing of top Advisory Boards, the experience of the publishers, and the support of a group of European chemical societies, we are sure that with this partnership, the journal has an excellent foundation for publishing top-quality research with high visibility.