Virtual Symposium on Photoredox Chemistry.

Vážení členovia SCHS,

v rámci virtuálnych konferencií pravidelne organizovaných Chemistry Europe Vám dávame do pozornosti ďalší on-line seminár, ktorý sa uskutoční 9.12. 2021 o 16:00. Oficiálnu pozvánku uvádzame nižšie.

Dear Chemistry Europe Members,

We warmly invite you to join ChemPhotoChem and the European Journal of Organic Chemistry (EurJOC) for the upcoming Virtual Symposium on Photoredox Chemistry.

When: December 9, 2021 at 16:00 pm CET

Enjoy three fascinating talks by Timothy Noël, Jola Pospech and Tehshik Yoon, on topics spanning from fundamental principles and reactivity to applications and innovations:

  • Timothy Noël (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands): Innovation in Photocatalysis Through Use of Flow
  • Jola Pospech (Leibniz Institute for Catalysis, Germany): Development and Application of Pyrimidopteridine Photoredox Catalysis
  • Tehshik Yoon (University of Wisconsin–Madison, USA): Base Metals in Oxidative Photoredox Reactions

If you are interested in this event, please register free of charge here.

For your convenience, we will continue informing you of our exciting events several days in advance. If you would like an overview of all virtual events please visit the Chemistry Europe Hub or Chemistry Views.

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