CCCE 2021 going Virtual – IUPAC

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IUPAC na svoju web-stránku vložil 7. januára dôležitú novinku IUPAC | CCCE 2021 going Virtual – IUPAC | International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, o ktorej týmto spôsobom informujeme všetkých členov SCHS a chemikov na Slovensku.

In order to ensure the health and safety of our delegates, speakers, exhibitors, staff, and community during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, IUPAC | CCCE 2021 will be a fully virtual event. Although August 2021 is still many months away, by making this decision now, we can ensure that the Canadian and international chemistry community will be able to safely participate and we can also plan the best possible virtual event. While we share your disappointment in not being able to meet in-person, we hope you share our excitement about this opportunity to innovate an engaging virtual experience.

Záujemcom o 48. celosvetový kongres IUPAC (tohto roku virtuálny) odporúčame sledovať uvedenú stránku.

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